
Our Work With Confirm

Client Overview:

  • Name: Confirm
  • Industry: Human Resources/HR Technology
  • Location: Unknown
  • Target Market: CEOs, Chief People Officers, Heads of HR, People Operations Executives, and Talent Executives across all industries, with a focus on tech companies and consulting firms
  • Goals: Generate leads, expand brand exposure at conferences, craft messaging and positioning for future campaigns
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Confirm approached us as they were scaling their team and had just made their first AE hire. They were looking for a partner to help them navigate the complexities of outreach and maximize their impact at upcoming conferences.

Work Performed:

  1. Initial Campaigns: Leveraged two profiles to test messaging, positioning, and offers within emails. Pulled three segments of lists for each representative we ran outbound engine for, customizing the outreach to cold prospects and ensuring omnichannel distribution.
  2. Event Sponsorship Response: Upon learning that Confirm was sponsoring events, we quickly scraped the attendees’ list from the event management app, enriched those prospects with information, and built tailored pre-event and post-event connection campaigns.
  3. Lead Generation and Branding: Our efforts not only helped generate 30+ leads for Confirm, including one that turned into their largest flagship client, but also expanded their general exposure at the conferences they were attending.
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The collaboration with Confirm yielded impressive results, generating over 30 leads, including one that turned into their largest flagship client. Our targeted outreach and event-specific campaigns not only amplified Confirm’s brand exposure at key industry events but also provided valuable insights for refining their messaging and positioning for future marketing initiatives. This partnership set the stage for Confirm’s continued growth and success in the HR technology space.

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  • Lead Generation: Generated 30+ leads for Confirm, including a flagship client.
  • Brand Exposure: Enhanced Confirm’s presence and visibility at sponsored events.
  • Future Campaigns: Provided valuable insights for crafting messaging, positioning, and offerings for future email and general marketing campaigns.

Through our strategic outreach and tailored event campaigns, Confirm was able to scale its outreach efforts effectively and make a significant impact at key industry events. This collaboration not only boosted their lead generation but also laid the groundwork for their future marketing endeavors.

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